(Custom) biomes

RealisticSeasons generates a biome folder with configuration files for every biome. You can change the colours of each season, the temperature modifier, if the biome should freeze in winter and if any plants should be changed.

Configuration for vanilla biomes

Here is the default FOREST.yml file:

## this file includes the following biomes: FOREST, WOODED_HILLS
## 1.18: FOREST
## tree color of fall can either be 1 color or 5 colors.
modify-plants: true
## Freeze in winter also includes removal of ice and snow afterwards
freeze-in-winter: true
temperature-difference: 0
  spring: false
  summer: false
  fall: false
  winter: true
    skycolor: 78A7FF
    watercolor: 4397ec
    waterfogcolor: 4397ec
    grasscolor: NONE
    treecolor: FFB0E9
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: 84BDE8
    watercolor: 43D5EE
    waterfogcolor: 43D5EE
    grasscolor: NONE
    treecolor: 30BB0B
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: 89919A
    watercolor: 617B64
    waterfogcolor: 617B64
    grasscolor: BFB755
    treecolor: 'E8962A, E8962A, AEA42A, 6BA941, 60A17B'
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: D2DEFF
    watercolor: 216FC4
    waterfogcolor: 216FC4
    grasscolor: B8D0E1
    treecolor: B8D0E1
    fogcolor: A6D1FF

Setting modify-plants to false will disable all changes to plants in this biome. Snow will also no longer be able to destroy grass and flowers.

freeze-in-winter includes the placement of snow and ice in winter. This also includes the removal of snow and ice after the winter ends. This should generally be false in snowy biomes since you don't want the snow and ice to be removed there. If you want the snow to be removed in snowy biomes outside of winter don't forget to also set keep-natural-snow to false in the config.yml.

temperature-difference is the temperature modifier applied to the player if they're in this biome.

show-snow-instead-of-rain changes if it should visually snow or not depending on the season. This does not include the placement of snow, it is purely visual. Only winter should be true in most biomes. All seasons should be true in snowy biomes though, you don't want it to visually rain there.

The colours of the seasons can be changed separately for each biome. You can almost create your own seasons. The config accepts all hex colour codes. The treecolor in autumn/fall should either be 1 colour or 5. Multiple tree colours are only accepted in autumn/fall to limit the number of custom biomes created by RealisticSeasons.

Configuration for custom biomes/generators

RealisticSeasons doesn't know exactly what to do with custom biomes supplied by world generators (datapacks, plugins). You can add extra biome configuration file(s) that will tell the plugin exactly what to do with them. If you do not create your own configuration files the plugin will just apply the same colour to all biomes. Snow in snowy biomes won't melt however and the plugin does automatically generate a correct temperature for the biome. The only exception is Terralith, RealisticSeasons has a build-in configuration for that generator with season effects fitting every biome.

Custom biome configuration files work exactly the same as vanilla biome configuration files. The file contains the same settings as the vanilla files, the only difference is that you're now able the change what biomes the file configures for. Here is an example custom biome configuration file:

## this file is an example file of how to use this plugin with custom biomes. This file should not be used unless you have some kind of worldgenerator plugin, or other custom biome plugin.
## You can create as many copies of this file as you want, the plugin will register them all seperately. That way you can customize all custombiomes The name of the file doesn't matter, plugin doesn't use that.
## Enter all custom biomes you would like to include in this file here (after includes). All biomes on this list will get the colors applied you enter below.
## Don't forget to add the prename to the names (like "prename:biomename"). The prename is visible in f3 while standing in the custombiome.
## Seperate the list with comma's. Example would be: 
## includes: realisticseasons:testbiome, otherplugin:rainforest, worldgenerator:coolbiome
## You could also use "includes: ALL" this will select all custom biomes. Much easier if you don't want to configure every single biome.
## Any additional custom biome file in the biomes folder will overwrite the effect of "includes: ALL" for the biomes specified.
includes: 'terralith:fractured_savanna,terralith:savanna_badlands'
modify-plants: true
freeze-in-winter: true
temperature-difference: 0
  spring: false
  summer: false
  fall: false
  winter: true
    skycolor: NONE
    watercolor: NONE
    waterfogcolor: NONE
    grasscolor: NONE
    treecolor: NONE
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: NONE
    watercolor: NONE
    waterfogcolor: NONE
    grasscolor: NONE
    treecolor: NONE
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: 89919A
    watercolor: 617B64
    waterfogcolor: 617B64
    grasscolor: BFB755
    treecolor: 'E8962A, E8962A, AEA42A, 6BA941, 60A17B'
    fogcolor: NONE
    skycolor: D2DEFF
    watercolor: 216FC4
    waterfogcolor: 216FC4
    grasscolor: B8D0E1
    treecolor: B8D0E1
    fogcolor: A6D1FF

You'll notice an extra line has appeared at the top: includes: terralith:fractured_savanna,terralith:savanna_badlands

This line tells RealisticSeasons for what biomes this file should configure. All the biomes on the list will get the season effects of this file. World generator(s) (plugins) often have a wiki with a list of the exact biome names and you can also find the name of a custom biome in F3.

You can create as many files as you want. Drop them into the RealisticSeasons biomes folder together with the vanilla biome files, the name does not matter.

Includes: ALL

Creating biome files for every custom biome in a world generator can be an insane amount of work. There is an easier option though. It is not as clean as creating configuration files for every biome since colours will be the same in everywhere, but it saves you a lot of time. Setting includes to ALL will make the configuration file configure for all custom biomes on your server. This is enabled by default. The plugin makes sure to not melt any snow in snowy biomes and it can also generate a fitting temperature for all custom biomes. A pretty good solution that instantly makes RealisticSeasons compatible with all world generators. Perfect if you just want to play with your friends but not recommended on a bigger public server.

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